Opening @ ArtCosmos: Light – in honor of the International Year of Light established by the UNESCO
By Espronceda on 23/octubre/20151Read moreESPRONCEDA esta orgulloso de anunciar el Opening de la exposición ArtCosmos: Luz, en homenaje al Año Internacional de la...
Opening @ 10th Aniversary of BenciniBarcelona
By Espronceda on 21/octubre/2015Read moreBenciniBarcelona celebra el seu 10 aniversari Deu anys són un gran motiu de celebració així que hem preparat un...
Exhibition @ ILLUSION AND REALITY by Elia Sabato
By Espronceda on 14/octubre/2015Read moreThe show « Illusion and Reality » is the first exhibition of Elia Sabato (Lecce, Italia, 1975) in Barcelona....
Opening @ Young Gallery Weekend
By Espronceda on 14/octubre/2015Read moreEspronceda has been one of the initiators of a new format for young galleries and emerging artists in Barcelona,...
Vernissage @ Sleepwalking / Somnambulisme by Daniel Horowitz
By Espronceda on 16/maig/2015Read moreSLEEPWALKING by DANIEL HOROWITZ This exhibition invites the visitor into an oneiric experience, to come as a sleepwalker into...
Vernissage @ PLAY by the artist Mr. Zen
By Espronceda on 11/maig/2015Read more“ play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play...
Inauguración @ TODO ESTÁ MUY CARO, exposición antológica de ANTONIO CARO
By Espronceda on 27/abril/2015Read moreTODO ESTÁ MUY CARO exposición antológica de ANTONIO CARO Miércoles 29 de abril a las 20 h Acción Achiote,...
By Espronceda on 17/abril/2015Read more“It Rains Diamons in Saturn” Artem Mirolevich, Paul Pretzer & Felix Rodewaldt Únete a nosotros para descubrir el nuevo...