Juan Esteban Sandoval

Date: 22/January/2024 Category:


Juan Esteban Sandoval (b. 1972. Medellín – Colombia) is based between Colombia and Italy. He has exhibited internationally since 1994. He is co-founder of the el-Puente_lab collective in Medellín, Colombia and director of the Cittadellarte Art Office – Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella, Italy. The Puente_Lab is a platform for artistic and cultural production whose objective is to develop cultural projects at the local level, build bridges of communication with artists and experts through an international cooperation strategy. They facilitate and/or accompany processes of education, communication and urban and social transformation.

Since 2002, he has directed the Cittadellarte Art Office, coordinating the realization of 17 editions of the exhibition Arte al Centro in the spaces of the Foundation and exhibitions in other institutions, among others the Kunsthaus in Graz, Austria; the MuKHA in Antwerp, Belgium; San Servolo Island for the 50th Venice Biennale; the Galleria Civica in Modena, Italy; The MAXXI Museum in Rome, Italy.