Roundtable @ Art, Human evolution and Storytelling

Roundtable The Lives Beneath

How the human being evolves in culture, how he shows the need to have a storytelling about his Future, but also about his Past History. Storytelling can be seen from very different approaches to it depending of the countries, the political and geographic situation, the traditions or the religions. Nowadays, contemporary artists work more and more on this theme, like Bianca Kennedy and Felix Kraus, invited for a residency in Espronceda, that had for result the exhibition “The Lives Beneath“.


Theodor Proffe. Cónsul General Adjunto de Alemania en Barcelona.

Aurélien Le Genissel. Co-Art Director. Blueproject Foundation

Meritxell M. Pauné. Redactor en La Vanguardia. BCN Local

Bianca Kennedy. Artist.

Felix Kraus. Artist.

Alejandro Martín. Gallerist and Art Director at Espronceda.