Roundtable @ ‘Art at the digital era’ – 16th March

Dear friends,

the roundtable on “Art at the digital era” curated by Alejandro Martín, has been a real success. Themes as “How’s the digital world influence nowadays the creation of the contemporary artists? How Internet became a key in the reflection of their career? How evolves the digital creation since the works of John Witney in the 1960’s? Where are we leading the contemporary creation at the time of the digital era?” as been discussed by Fortunata Calabro (Independent curator and Production director of Art Marbella Fair and Crossroad Fair London), Roman Martin (artist sculptor, entrepreneur), Narcís Díaz Pujol (Contemporary artist), and of course Alejandro Martín (Galerist, curator and Art Director at Espronceda).

The roundtable has been then followed by a wonderful Italian meal realised by our founder and great artist Elia Sabato!