Elise Vlaminck

Date: 29/March/2021 Category:

Elise Vlaminck (1993) is a Belgian artist living and working in Catalonia. She holds a Master in plastic, visual and space arts in Painting, at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels. His pictorial practice revolves around questions of gaze, intimacy and attention to reality. She won the Espronceda prize in 2019 and after her residency she decided to settle in Catalonia. Her current series focuses on the intimacy of the Other that she often observes from the public highway. In January 2024 she exhibited this series in a solo exhibition at the Galerie Détour in Jambes (Belgium). This July 3, she will exhibit the continuity of this series in Espronceda to highlight this journey of the gaze towards the intimate through the prism of the journey from the city of Brussels to the city of Barcelona then the rural environment of Catalonia.  https://www.elisevlaminck.com/