Digital Talk – Hybrid Body in Performing Arts

Digital Talk – Hybrid Body in Performing Arts

Where: Zoom


The fusion of performance and new technologies has made it possible to expand the expressive possibilities of live performances with immersive and interactive elements. During this panel, the artists involved will present their research in relation to the performing arts and explore the relationship between performer and audience, between virtual and hybrid body, and between the importance of the experience and of the immersiveness, thus opening up the dialogue to new possibilities of interdisciplinary collaboration combining art, science, research, and technology.


17.00–17.15 Welcome and introduction to the experts/speakers, Introduction to the first presentation By Alessia Gervasone
17.15–17.45 The participatory performance in mixed reality “Eve 3.0”, Expert Mrs. Margherita Bergamo Meneghini
17.45–17.50 Introduction to the second presentation
17.50–18.20 What it means to be human in a digital world, Expert Mr. Martin Romeo
18.20–18.45 Final conclusion and questions

Read more about the presentations here (PDF).

Join the event here via Zoom.