Opening @”The Way You Move” by Manuel O. Leyva & Remy Uno


The Way You Move

by Manuel O. Leyva and Remy Uno

curated by Valentina Casacchia


This exhibition opens the scene of those little ordinary shades that every day we all live in between actions and thoughts. Perhaps ashamed to declare it out loud, the protagonists of this work are slightly satisfied to be watched, inside and outside their daily events.
Both fascinated by seduction either as a formal language or a state of mind, Manuel O. Leyva and Remy Uno are at their first encounter. Despite developing their own discourse they both serve the medium of painting with the same overwhelming passion.
Conceived as a conversation between their two different perspectives of research, the exhibition is the result of a ten days residency at the space of Espronceda.

Remy Uno presents an installation made of slices of hanging wood and mirror with a dimension of 2 x 2 metres. The slices are painted in order to create a double synchronic perspective. From one part the audience is trapped in an anamorphosis watching a lady with a red dress levitating in the air; from the other one the audience can choose by its own which slice to consider moving towards its own image as projected in the mirror.

Manuel O.Leyva presents a series of 4 canvas (122 x 100 cm) painted with his peculiar technique of pushing the color. Rather than being a strong gesture, the pushing involves a casual element (the distance that the color will travel is never the same). By guiding the colors towards different portion of the canvas, through special instruments and movements, the artist explores figures and feelings.

Capture d’écran 2017-02-10 à 14.37.18

Both the artists, through their own researches and results face the movement as a psychological and conceptual category and declinate it as a topic and language.

Valentina Casacchia is an Italian art historian and independent curator now based in Milan. She gained her MA in Contemporary history of art in Rome, before spending a year of studies at the EHESS of Paris. Between 2005 and 2011 she worked in New York for several institutions (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, The Armory Show, The Jersey City Museum, Freight +Volume Gallery) as well as curating extensive private collections (Gregory Callimanopulos Collection). Currently lecturer of Art History at the University of Pavia, she keeps researching through writings and exhibitions her passion for painting.

The exhibition opens January the 21st and will be visible until January the 31st.

About the artists:

Manuel Leyva

Remy Uno